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Stereo Panner Code

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 9:04 pm
by aziltz
Fired up my dev board tonight, and "wrote" my first program. I took the Trem/Reverb from the ROM and stripped the reverb, made it stereo and drove channel 2 using an inverted LFO to make a stereo I/O panner.

Code: Select all

;Stereo Panner
;pot0 = 
;pot1 = trem rate
;pot2 = trem depth
equ	sigin	reg1
equ	trem	reg2
equ	tremr	reg3
;set up lfo for reverb and tremelo, 0.5Hz, +/-20 samples:
skp	RUN,	start
wlds	SIN1,	12,	32767
;control and get tremelo sinwave:
rdax	pot1,		1.0		
mulx	pot1		
sof	0.4, 		0.1	; 5:1 range
wrax	sin1_rate,	0		
mulx	pot2
sof	0.5,		0.5		
wrax	trem,		-1
sof	-1.0,		.999	
wrax	tremr,		0		
;do tremelo
rdax	adcl,		1		
mulx	trem
wrax	dacl,	0	
rdax	adcr,		1		
mulx	tremr
wrax	dacr,	0