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ping pong delay?

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 8:12 am
by reza
i need ping pong delay code
thank you

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 12:41 pm
by frank
First shot at one, give this a try:

Code: Select all

;Ping-pong delay
;Frank Thomson
;OCT Distribution (310)348-9626
;pot0 adjusts ping delay time
;pot1 adjusts pong delay time
;pot2 adjusts feedback coefficient

equ	ping_len	16383		;Max ping delay length (left)
equ	pong_len	16383		;Max pong delay length (right)
equ	smooth	0.001		;Smoothing coefficient, adjust to change speed/zippernoise
equ	feedforward	0.8	;The dry (input) coefficient, increase to make louder
equ	del_out		0.8	;The output from the delay coefficient, increase to make louder

mem	ping	ping_len
mem	pong	pong_len

equ	ping_addr	reg0
equ	pong_addr	reg1
equ	feedback		reg2
equ	ping_data	reg3
equ	pong_data	reg4

; Clear register on start
skp	RUN,	loop
wrax	ping_addr,0
wrax	pong_addr,0
wrax	feedback,0

; Select tap from delay based on pot0, should range 0 to length
; Since pot only has 512 states, want to filter pot to avoid jumping

; Smooth POT0
clr				; Clear the ACC
or 	ping_len*256		; Put delay length into ACC alligned to ACC[22:8]
mulx 	pot0			; Multiply by POT0, new target value
rdfx 	ping_addr, smooth		; Smooth it : (target - current) * C + current
wrax 	ping_addr, 0		; Save it
or	ping*256			; Load ping base address
rdax	ping_addr,1.0		; add pointer offset
wrax 	addr_ptr, 0		; Write it to the address pointer register
rmpa 	1			; Read from memory
wrax	ping_data,0		; Write data from delay output to register

; Smooth POT1
or 	pong_len*256		; Put delay length into ACC alligned to ACC[22:8]
mulx 	pot1			; Multiply by POT1, new target value
rdfx 	pong_addr, smooth	; Smooth it : (target - current) * C + current
wrax 	pong_addr, 0		; Save it
or	pong*256		; Load pong base address
rdax	pong_addr,1.0		; add pointer offset
wrax 	addr_ptr, 0		; Write it to the address pointer register
rmpa 	1			; Read from memory
wrax	pong_data,0		; Write data from delay output to register

; Smooth POT2
rdax 	pot2,1.0			; Get target
rdfx 	feedback, smooth		; Smooth it : (target - current) * C + current
wrax 	feedback, 0		; Save it

; At this point, we have the delay data and feedback coefficient

; Left output
rdax	adcl, feedforward		; Left in * coefficient
rdax	ping_data,del_out		; add in ping delay
wrax	dacl,0			; write to DAC

; Right output
rdax	adcr, feedforward		; Right in * coefficient
rdax	pong_data,del_out		; add in pong delay
wrax	dacr,0			; write to DAC

; Ping delay input
rdax	pong_data,1.0		; get pong delay
mulx	feedback
rdax	adcl, feedforward		; add Left in * coefficient
wra	ping,0			; write to ping delay

; Pong delay input
rdax	ping_data,1.0		; get ping delay
mulx	feedback	
rdax	adcr, feedforward		; add Right in * coefficient
wra	pong,0			; write to pong

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 9:51 am
by aparat
In this effect, when I change Pot0 and Pot 1 At first, the Pitch effect is heard and immediately cut off.I want to remove that effect
I tried a lot but could not .Which part of the code changed to be corrected?
please help me.

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2017 3:40 am
by aparat
Please help me
I need it.

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 5:27 am
by slacker
If you make the value of smooth in this line larger you will get less pitch bending try different values up to 1.

Code: Select all

equ   smooth   0.001      ;Smoothing coefficient, adjust to change speed/zippernoise 
or just delete these lines

Code: Select all

rdfx    ping_addr, smooth      ; Smooth it : (target - current) * C + current 

Code: Select all

rdfx    pong_addr, smooth   ; Smooth it : (target - current) * C + current