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Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 7:51 am
by ronaldb
Could someone post a code for a shimmer effect (like the Edge uses)?

I now you need an octave up and a big reverb, but how do you combine these?


Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 7:10 pm
by livingston
I think the basic idea is to put the octave up in the feedback path somewhere, so that repeats get shifted higher and higher.

This is the basis of Line 6's "Octo" setting on the Verbzilla, as well as the string sounds on the Digitech Space Station.

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 2:26 am
by ronaldb
Good idea, i like that.
I will study this.


Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 1:44 am
by ronaldb
Oke so i Found a PitchShifting code (octave up) and reverb i could use to make the shimmer happen. But how do I put the PitchShifted not in the feedback loop of the reverb?

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 3:05 pm
by livingston
Why don't you post the reverb you want to use and we can point out where in that program the pitch shifter should go.

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 2:49 am
by ronaldb
Hello Livingston,
Thans for helping.
How about this reverb code (standard code form the free dsp section):
I will only need a fixed oct up in the feedback loop.

Code: Select all

;reverb program
;large reverb, stereo in and out
;for mixers, uneven (for vocals)
;pot0=reverb time
;pot1=low freq response
;pot2=high freq response
mem	lap1	156
mem	lap2	223
mem	lap3	332
mem	lap4	548
mem	rap1	186
mem	rap2	253
mem	rap3	302
mem	rap4	498
mem	ap1	1251
mem	ap1b	1751
mem	ap2	1443
mem	ap2b	1343
mem	ap3	1582
mem	ap3b	1981
mem	ap4	1274
mem	ap4b	1382
mem	del1	5859
mem	del2	4145
mem	del3	3476
mem	del4	4568

equ 	temp	reg0
equ	lpf1	reg1
equ	lpf2	reg2
equ	lpf3	reg3
equ	lpf4	reg4
equ	hpf1	reg5
equ	hpf2	reg6
equ	hpf3	reg7
equ	hpf4	reg8
equ	rt	reg9
equ	hf	reg10
equ	lf	reg11
equ	lapout	reg12
equ	rapout	reg13

;set up lfo, 0.5Hz, +/-20 samples:
skp	run,	loop
wlds	sin0,	12,	160

;smear 2 allpass filters in reverb ring:

cho 	rda,	sin0,	0x06,	ap1+50
cho	rda,	sin0,	0,	ap1+51
wra	ap1+100,	0
cho 	rda,	sin0,	0x07,	ap3+50
cho	rda,	sin0,	1,	ap3+51	
wra	ap3+100,	0

;prepare pots for control:
rdax	POT0,	1.0
sof 	0.8, 	0.1
wrax	rt,	0		;rt ranges 0.1 to 0.9
;shelving controls are negative:
rdax	POT1,	1.0
sof	0.8, 	-0.8
wrax 	hf,0			;hf ranges -0.8 to 0
rdax	POT2,	1.0
sof 	0.8,	-0.8
wrax 	lf,0			;lf ranges -0.8 to 0
;get inputs and process with three APs each
rdax	adcl,	0.5		
rda	lap1#,	-0.5	
wrap	lap1,	0.5		
rda	lap2#,	-0.5	
wrap	lap2,	0.5		
rda	lap3#,	-0.5	
wrap	lap3,	0.5		
rda	lap4#,	-0.5	
wrap	lap4,	0.5		
wrax	lapout,	0		
rdax	adcr,	0.5		
rda	rap1#,	-0.5	
wrap	rap1,	0.5		
rda	rap2#,	-0.5	
wrap	rap2,	0.5		
rda	rap3#,	-0.5	
wrap	rap3,	0.5		
rda	rap4#,	-0.5	
wrap	rap4,	0.5		
wrax	rapout,	0		
;now do reverb ring, use temp as temp reg for filtering:
;delay ap into 1:
rda	del4#,	1.0	;read previous delay	
mulx	rt		;multiply by reverb time coefficient
rdax	lapout,	1.0	;read left input from input allpass filter bank
rda	ap1#,	-0.6	;do an allpass filter
wrap	ap1,	0.6
rda	ap1b#,	-0.6	;do second all pass filter
wrap	ap1b,	0.6	
wrax	temp,	1.0	;write to temp, keep in acc	
rdfx	lpf1,	0.5	
wrhx	lpf1,	-1.0	;filter done
mulx	lf		;scale by lf
rdax	temp,	1.0	;add to temp
wrax	temp,	1.0	;write to temp again
rdfx	hpf1,	0.05	
wrlx	hpf1,	-1.0	;filter done
mulx	hf		;scale by hf
rdax	temp,	1.0	;add temp
wra	del1,	0.0	;write to next delay
;delay ap into 2:
rda	del1#,	1.0		
mulx	rt
rda	ap2#,	-0.6	
wrap	ap2,	0.6		
rda	ap2b#,	-0.6	
wrap	ap2b,	0.6		
wrax	temp,	1.0		
rdfx	lpf2,	0.5		
wrhx	lpf2,	-1.0	
mulx	hf
rdax	temp,	1.0		
wrax	temp,	1.0		
rdfx	hpf2,	0.05	
wrlx	hpf2,	-1.0	
mulx	lf
rdax	temp,	1.0		
wra	del2,	0.0		
;delay ap into 3:
rda	del2#,	1.0		
mulx	rt
rdax	rapout,	1.0		
rda	ap3#,	-0.6	
wrap	ap3,	0.6		
rda	ap3b#,	-0.6	
wrap	ap3b,	0.6		
wrax	temp,	1.0		
rdfx	lpf3,	0.5		
wrhx	lpf3,	-1.0	
mulx	hf
rdax	temp,	1.0		
wrax	temp,	1.0		
rdfx	hpf3,	0.05	
wrlx	hpf3,	-1.0	
mulx	lf
rdax	temp,	1.0		
wra	del3,	0.0
;delay ap into 4:
rda	del3#,	1.0		
mulx	rt
rda	ap4#,	-0.6	
wrap	ap4,	0.6		
rda	ap4b#,	-0.6	
wrap	ap4b,	0.6		
wrax	temp,	1.0		
rdfx	lpf4,	0.5		
wrhx	lpf4,	-1.0	
mulx	hf
rdax	temp,	1.0		
wrax	temp,	1.0		
rdfx	hpf4,	0.05	
wrlx	hpf4,	-1.0	
mulx	lf
rdax	temp,	1.0		
wra	del4,	0.0		
rda	del1+2630,	1.5	;sum outputs as taps from reverb ring
rda	del2+1943,	1.2	
rda	del3+3200,	1.0	
rda	del4+4016,	0.8	
wrax	dacl,	0.0	
rda	del3+1163,	1.5	
rda	del4+3330,	1.2	
rda	del1+2420,	1.0	
rda	del2+2631,	0.8	
wrax	dacr,	0.0	

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 1:34 am
by ronaldb
So i managed to get a Shimmer Reverb Working on the FV1 now.
I works good but can be beter. Here's the code:

Code: Select all

;Shimmer reverb
;Ronald vd Boon 2011
;Pot1 = level Shimmer

mem	delayd 	4096 	; Down delay 
mem	temp 	1	; Temp location for partial calculations 
mem	api1	122
mem	api2	303
mem	api3	553
mem	api4	922
mem	ap1	3823
mem	del1	8500	;input = left output
mem	ap2	4732
mem	del2	7234	;input = right output

equ	krt	0.8	;adjust reverb time
equ	kap	0.625	;adjust AP coefficients
equ	apout	reg3	;holding reg input AP signal
equ	pitchup	reg4	;octave up output
equ	fbk	0.2	;feedback path

;simple limiter, -12dB threshold, peak detecting
equ	insig	reg0
equ	pkfil	reg1
equ	gain	reg2

skp run,START 
wlds	sin0,50,50	;load chorus generators for reverb
wlds	sin1,40,60
wldr RMP0,16384,4096	;load octave up

ldax ADCL		; Write it to left delay and clear ACC 
wra delayd,0 

;Octave up
cho rda,RMP0,REG|COMPC,delayd 
cho rda,RMP0,,delayd+1 
wra temp,0 
cho rda,RMP0,RPTR2|COMPC,delayd 
cho rda,RMP0,RPTR2,delayd+1 
cho sof,RMP0,NA|COMPC,0 
cho rda,RMP0,NA,temp 
mulx POT1
wrax pitchup,0
rdax pitchup,fbk 
rdax pitchup,1.0

wrax	insig,1		;input sum register
maxx	pkfil,0.99998	;compare with pkfil*.999 (abs)
wrax	pkfil,1		;write peak value back
log	-1,-0.125	
exp	1,0		;1/x
wrax	gain,1
mulx	adcl
sof	-2,0
sof	-1.5,0		;restore gain, to avoid output clipping
wrax	dacl,0
ldax	gain
mulx	adcr
sof	-2,0
sof	-1.5,0
wrax	dacr,0		;write outputs, zero ACC

;All-pass filters for ReverB 
rdax	pitchup,0.6	;read inputs, 
rda	api1#,kap	;do 4 APs
wrap	api1,-kap
rda	api2#,kap
wrap	api2,-kap
rda	api3#,kap
wrap	api3,-kap
rda	api4#,kap
wrap	api4,-kap
wrax	apout,1		;write to min, keep in ACC

;first loop apd:
					;AP'd input in ACC
rda	del2#,krt				;read del2, scale by Krt
rda	ap1#,-kap			;do loop ap
wrap	ap1,kap
wra	del1,1.99			;write delay, x2 for dac out
wrax	dacl,0

;second loop apd:

rdax	apout,1				;get input signal again
rda	del1#,krt				;as above, to other side of loop
rda	ap2#,kap
wrap	ap2,-kap
wra	del2,1.99
wrax	dacr,0

cho	rda,sin0,reg|compc,del1+32
cho	rda,sin0,0,del1+33
wra	del1+64,0

cho	rda,sin1,reg|compc,del2+32
cho	rda,sin1,0,del2+33
wra	del2+64,0
1. I don't now if the feddback path is working like i should? If i put the effect in my analog delay feedback loop i works and sounds better.

2. I would like to have volume control over the Octave up and not the hole effect, how can i add only the octave up to the reverb signal?

3. is there a way to have 1 pot controlling the feedback, 1 pot controlling the level of octave up and one pot controlling the decay of the reverb?

And if someone sees some things that can be done differant please feel free to coment.

Also i put in the limiter in there to smoothe the sound.

best regards

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 3:09 pm
by livingston
It's a little difficult for me to follow this code, but here are some things I see which don't seem right:

You are writing to the DACR and DACL twice within the program, once in the limiter and again after the reverb. This is not what you want to do. I'm kind of surprised this works at all, actually.

You aren't really processing things in series. For example, your limiter does not limit the signal coming out of the reverb or the pitch shifter - all you're doing there is reading the clean input in, and then limiting it, and writing the clean limited signal to the output.

You have pitch shifted the input, then sent it to the reverb. Instead, you should send your clean to the reverb, then pitch shift, then mulx with a pot for a feedback control, then to the reverb input again.

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 1:24 am
by ronaldb
Oke I changed a few things and now it's working like i would.
I still have the octave up before the reverb because when i do it backwards i heard some tremolo sounds coming through.

So If someone has some tips for making the code better feel free to respond.

Here's the code

Code: Select all

;Shimmer reverb
;Ronald vd Boon 2011
;Pot0 = Dry Wet mix
;Pot1 = level Shimmer
;Pot2 = Feedback

mem	delayd 	4096 	; Down delay 
mem	temp 	1	; Temp location for partial calculations 
mem	api1	122
mem	api2	303
mem	api3	553
mem	api4	922
mem	ap1	3823
mem	del1	8500	;input = left output
mem	ap2	4732
mem	del2	7234	;input = right output

equ	krt	0.8	;adjust reverb time
equ	kap	0.625	;adjust AP coefficients
equ	apout	reg3	;holding reg input AP signal
equ	pitchout	reg4	;octave up output
equ	kfbk	reg5	;feedback path
equ	revout	reg6
equ	revout1	reg7
equ	dryin	reg8

skp run,START 
wlds	sin0,50,50	;load chorus generators for reverb
wlds	sin1,40,60
wldr RMP0,16384,4096	;load octave up

;get feedback value from pot0: 
wrax   	kfbk,0 
rdax   	pot0,1 
wrax   	kfbk,0 

;Octave up
cho rda,RMP0,REG|COMPC,delayd 
cho rda,RMP0,,delayd+1 
wra 	temp,0 
cho rda,RMP0,RPTR2|COMPC,delayd 
cho rda,RMP0,RPTR2,delayd+1 
cho sof,RMP0,NA|COMPC,0 
cho rda,RMP0,NA,temp 
mulx 	POT1
wrax 	pitchout,0
;rdax 	pitchout,fbk 

;Reed input

rdax	pitchout,1
mulx	kfbk
rdax	adcl,0.5		; Write it to left delay and clear ACC 
wrax	dryin,1
wra 	delayd,0 

;All-pass filters for ReverB 
rdax	pitchout,1	;read inputs, 
rda	api1#,kap	;do 4 APs
wrap	api1,-kap
rda	api2#,kap
wrap	api2,-kap
rda	api3#,kap
wrap	api3,-kap
rda	api4#,kap
wrap	api4,-kap
wrax	apout,1		;write to min, keep in ACC

;first loop apd:
					;AP'd input in ACC
rda	del2#,krt				;read del2, scale by Krt
rda	ap1#,-kap			;do loop ap
wrap	ap1,kap
wra	del1,1.99			;write delay, x2 for dac out
wrax	revout,0

;second loop apd:

rdax	apout,1				;get input signal again
rda	del1#,krt				;as above, to other side of loop
rda	ap2#,kap
wrap	ap2,-kap
wra	del2,1.99
wrax	revout1,0

cho	rda,sin0,reg|compc,del1+32
cho	rda,sin0,0,del1+33
wra	del1+64,0

cho	rda,sin1,reg|compc,del2+32
cho	rda,sin1,0,del2+33
wra	del2+64,0

; mix dry and wet using pot2 

rdax   	revout,1
rdax	revout1,1 
rdax   	dryin,-1 
mulx  	 pot2 
rdax   	dryin,1 

;form mono output: 

wrax   	dacl,1 
wrax   	dacr,0 

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 3:17 pm
by livingston
It looks to me like your feedback loop is around the pitch shift. You want the feedback coming from the output of whatever the last effect is, to the input of the first effect. So if you have pitch->reverb then the feedback should come from the reverb out and go to the pitch input.

But, if you like the way it sounds then it's ok.

I think you should make the "RDAX ADCL,.5" into "RDAX ADCL,1". This will give you a louder input signal so more resolution and less noise.

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 4:06 pm
by frank
Sounds close, but do as livingston suggests and use the "RDAX ADCL,1" to get a hotter signal into the chip.

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 2:18 am
by ronaldb
Thanks Livingston and Frank,
I will do the changes and come back with the results.


Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 3:30 am
by ronaldb
I tried to put the "revout" in the feedback loop but i got a massieve osicilation. So that's not good i think. Is there a way to change that.

I tried this before the feedback loop but didn't help:

RDAX revout,0.3
MULX kfbk


Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 10:22 am
by Sweetalk
I tried this program and it's very nice, a little bit harsh and abrupt but it's a very nice approach.

I'm wondering if can be implemented in this Hall Reverb program, it's a long decay reverb, very natural and smooth, maybe helps a little:
If you fix the predelay and the damping to 0 free 2 pots to play with the feedback and shimmer level and also the decay from the reverb.

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 1:25 pm
by Sweetalk
Well, I been working a little bit on the shimmer algorithm with a different approach than the one posted earlier.

I tooked the Hall reverb, eliminated the predelay section. The signal flow intents to be like this:

INPUT ---> + ---> REVERB -------> OUTPUT
| |
|<--- PITCH <----|

The adder on the front it's controled by POT2, allowing to adjust the amount of pitch shifted signal going back to the reverb.

I haven't tried yet but I'll be nice if you can take a look at this and see if it's OK. I'll be trying it tomorrow I hope (not at the office right now)

Code: Select all

; Hall reverb w/shimmer
; Jan 2012
; 1.0
; Mono input, Stereo output
; POT0: Damping
; POT1: Feedback
: POT2: Decay
; by Sweetalk

mem	delayl	4096		; Pitch Shift mem
mem	temp1	1		

mem	iap1	156		; Reverb mem declarations
mem	iap2	223
mem	iap3	332
mem	iap4	448

mem	ap1	1251
mem	ap1b	1751
mem	ap2	1443
mem	ap2b	1343
mem	ap3	1582
mem	ap3b	1981
mem	ap4	1274
mem	ap4b	1382

mem	del1	3559
mem	del2	2945
mem	del3	3976
mem	del4	4445

equ	revin		reg0		;Reverb In
equ	rervout		reg1		;Reverb Out
equ	pitchout	reg2		;Pitch Shift Out. (really it's Reverb->Pitch out)	
equ	LPF		reg3		;LPF reg

equ	temp	reg4		;Temp register
equ	hpf1	reg5		;High pass filters for reverb registers
equ	hpf2	reg6
equ	hpf3	reg7
equ	hpf4	reg8
equ	lpf1	reg9		;Low pass filters for reverb registers
equ	lpf2	reg10
equ	lpf3	reg11
equ	lpf4	reg12
equ	rt	reg13		;Reverb Time register
equ	iapout	reg14		

equ	LPFF	0,3		;LPF coefficent for LPF after pitch shifting
equ	LPFSH	-0,5		;Shelving coefficent for LPF -6dB.
equ	kfh	0.01
equ	kfl	0.4
equ	kiap	0.5
equ	klap	0.6

skip	run,	START
wldr	0,	16384,	4096	;Init RAMP0 for +1 octave pitch shifting

;Prepare POT2 for Decay

rdax	pot2,1
sof	0.65,0.3	;Scale by 0.65 and add 0.3
wrax	rt,0         	;rt ranges 0.3 to 0.95


rdax	revin,	1	;Read reverb in
sof	0.25,	0	;   
rda	iap1#,	kiap   
wrap	iap1,	-kiap      
rda	iap2#,	kiap   
wrap	iap2,	-kiap      
rda	iap3#,	kiap   
wrap	iap3,	-kiap      
rda	iap4#,	kiap   
wrap	iap4,	-kiap      
wrax	iapout,	0	;write to register for ring injection

;now do reverb ring, use temp as reg for filtering:

;aps into delay1:

rda	del4#,	1	;read previous delay   
mulx	rt		;multiply by reverb time coefficient
rdax	iapout,	1	;read left input from input allpass filter bank
rda	ap1#,	klap	;do an allpass filter
wrap	ap1,	-klap
rda	ap1b#,	klap	;do second all pass filter
wrap	ap1b,	-klap   
wrax	temp,	1	;write to temp, keep in acc
rdfx	lpf1,	kfl	;low pass filter
wrlx	lpf1,	-1
rdfx	hpf1,	kfh	;high pass filter
wrhx	hpf1,	-1
rdax	temp,	-1
mulx	pot0		;crossfade between filter and no filter
rdax	temp,	1
wra	del1,	0	;write to next delay, clear accumulator

;aps into delay2:

rda	del1#,	1      
mulx	rt
rda	ap2#,	klap   
wrap	ap2,	-klap      
rda	ap2b#,	klap   
wrap	ap2b,	-klap      
wrax	temp,	1      
rdfx	lpf2,	kfl
wrlx	lpf2,	-1
rdfx	hpf2,	kfh
wrhx	hpf2,	-1
rdax	temp,	-1
mulx	pot0
rdax	temp,	1
wra	del2,	0      

;aps into delay3:

rda	del2#,	1      
mulx	rt
rdax	iapout,	1      
rda	ap3#,	klap   
wrap	ap3,	-klap      
rda	ap3b#,	klap   
wrap	ap3b,	-klap      
wrax	temp,	1      
rdfx	lpf3,	kfl
wrlx	lpf3,	-1
rdfx	hpf3,	kfh
wrhx	hpf3,	-1
rdax	temp,	-1
mulx	pot0
rdax	temp,	1   
wra	del3,	0

;aps into delay4:

rda	del3#,	1.0      
mulx	rt
rda	ap4#,	klap   
wrap	ap4,	-klap      
rda	ap4b#,	klap   
wrap	ap4b,	-klap      
wrax	temp,	1      
rdfx	lpf4,	kfl
wrlx	lpf4,	-1
rdfx	hpf4,	kfh
wrhx	hpf4,	-1
rdax	temp,	-1
mulx	pot0
rdax	temp,	1   
wra	del4,	0      

;take outputs as taps from reverb ring:
rda	del1,		0.8 
rda	del2,		0.8
rda	del3+2876,	1.5
rda	del1+2093,	1.1         
rda	del4+1234,	1.1
wrax	revout,		1	;Write to revout register, keep in ACC for pitch shifting


cho	rda,	RMP0,	REG|COMPC,	delayl
cho	rda,	RMP0,	,	delayl+1
wra	temp1,	0
cho	rda,	RMP0,	RPTR2|COMPC,	delayl
cho	rda,	RMP0,	RPTR2,	delayl+1
cho	sof,	RMP0,	NA|COMPC,	0
cho	rda,	RMP0,	NA,	temp1

;LPF to smooth out a little of the high end
rdfx	LPF,	LPFF		;Freq coef
wrhx	LPF,	LPFSH		;Shelving coef.

wrax	pitchout,	1	;Write the pitch + reverb out on pitchout and keep it in acc. ACC = Pitch + Reverb
mulx	pot2			;Multily by Feedback pot (POT2). ACC = (Pitch + Reverb) * POT2
rdax	adcl,	1		;Read ADCL and add to ACC. ACC = ((Pitch + Reverb) * POT2) + Clean
wrax	revin,	0		;Write the mix from the ACC (feedback and clean signal) on the revin and clear the ACC.

;Making mono output
rdax	revout,	1		;Read output from Reverb (revout) and write it to ACC.
wrax	dacl,1			;Write the ACC on DACL and keep it.	
wrax	dacr,0 			;Write the Acc on DACR and clear it.

;set up lfo, 1Hz to 2Hz, +/-100 samples, for smearing loop all passes:

skp	run,	2
wlds	sin0,	30,	50
wlds	sin1,	41,	50

;smear 4 allpass filters in reverb ring:

cho	rda,	sin0,	reg|compc,	ap1+50	;sin0
cho	rda,	sin0,	0,	ap1+51
wra	ap1+100,	0

cho	rda,	sin0,	cos|compc,	ap2+50	;cos0
cho	rda,	sin0,	cos,	ap2+51   
wra	ap2+100,	0

cho	rda,	sin1,	reg|compc,	ap3+50	;sin1
cho	rda,	sin1,	0,	ap3+51
wra	ap3+100,	0

cho	rda,	sin1,	cos|compc,	ap4+50	;cos1
cho	rda,	sin1,	cos,	ap4+51   
wra	ap4+100,	0