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AtMega 328

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 8:04 am
by B.C.
So I am working on running convolutions in the FV-1. I am pretty sure I can convolve the guitar signal with itself using some short cuts, but convolving with an LFO, it seems I will probably run out of memory. So, would it be possible to have a microcontroller actually run the calculations for me? So, essentially I would sample using the FV-1, run the sampled signal to the MCU and then run out through the FV-1.

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 8:57 am
by frank
Not really, there is really no way for the micro to read/write the data in the FV-1.

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 6:44 pm
by pharaohamps
Not really, there is really no way for the micro to read/write the data in the FV-1.
Ah, but is there a way to interface to the chip using an Ardunio? I've tinkered with the idea of building an Arduino shield with an FV-1, but is there a way to program the 24LC32 from the IDE without having the dev kit?

I would assume that anything that can write to the EEPROM could take the .HEX file from the IDE and push it out, but I'd love to have the ability to work with just the IDE.

My idea was to include MIDI in and out on the shield along with audio in / out and a preamp. If I can use the IDE directly then it would be a slam-dunk. Otherwise I'll have to make some middleware that takes the .HEX files and writes the EEPROM over I2C.

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 7:16 pm
by frank
Sorry, you're going to need some middleware in there. SpinAsm will only directly write to the dev board or a HEX file.