SIN test generator based on the FV-1

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SIN test generator based on the FV-1

Post by peterv »

Developing code for the Fv-1 requires audio signals for testing the functionality of the designed code. Obviously exact audio test generators can be used but also this Fv-1 device, to generate particular frequencies or even pulse, can be used for that purpose. Here is a generic solution based on an extra FV-1 device to generate the required audio test signals. In my particular case the unit's output was first calibrated against a 1 volt squarewave calibration signal from my oscilloscope to enable a complete calibrated setup of my development environment. The presented code is kept generic and can be extended to what's required. As an example, the BCD frequency steps are combined in one project file so each selector position is a different frequency hence testing can be done without extra effort.

Most of the code is obtained through this forum, it's therefore shared with thanks!

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;********************************** SIN TEST OSCILLATOR  ****************************************
; Sine wave (pulse) generator generator based on an example at the Spin semiconductor site
; Constants are calibrated  through tuner comparisons
; Version 2.0: basic with no switching between functions
equ	freq	reg0
equ	s	reg1
equ	c	reg2
equ	p0fil	reg3	
equ	begin	reg4
; -------set of frequencies factors  not exact calibrated, sufficiant for testing------------
; -----Set functionality  is to measure  EQ frequency curves-----
;equ test 0.026	; 16Khz
;equ test 0.1494	; 4Khz
;equ test 0.2744	; 1Khz
equ test 0.3478	; 440hz	; 'A'
;equ test 0.399	; 250hz
;equ test 0.5223	; 63 hz 
; -----Set to check the BCD switch functionality (doubling frequency per step)-----
;equ test 0.50	; 80 Hz
;equ test 0.445 	; 160 Hz
;equ test 0.378 	; 320 Hz
;equ test 0.316 	; 640 Hz
;equ test 0.2521	; 1280 Hz
;equ test 0.1895	; 2570 Hz
;equ test 0.12695	; 5140 Hz
;equ test 0.0652	; 10280 Hz
skp	run,start
wldr	RMP0,800,4096
SOF	0,0.5		;setup LFO with amplitude of 0.5
wrax	s,0		;c is initialized to zero on startup
sof	1,-test
exp	1,0
rdfx	p0fil,0.01	;average with filter
wrax	p0fil,1
wrax	freq,0
; -----a ramp used to create a small pulse to measure equipment -----
cho	rdal,RMP0
sof 1,-0.25
sof -2.0,0.01
sof -2.0,0 
sof -2.0,0 
sof -2.0,0 
sof -2.0,0
sof -2.0,0
sof -2.0,0
sof -2.0,0
sof -2.0,0
sof -2.0,0
sof -2.0,0
sof -2.0,0
sof -2.0,0
sof -2.0,0	;possible toooo much
sof -2.0,0	;
sof -2.0,0	;
sof -2.0,0	;
sof 0.5,0.5
sof 1.8,0
wrax 	begin,0	;created a block pulse to control output
;----- start generating wave-----
rdax	c,1		;oversample the oscillator to reach 20KHz easily.
mulx	freq
rdax	s,1
wrax	s,-1
mulx	freq
rdax	c,1
wrax	c,0
rdax	c,1
mulx	freq
rdax	s,1
wrax	s,-1
mulx	freq
rdax	c,1
wrax	c,0
rdax	c,1
mulx	freq
rdax	s,1
wrax	s,-1
mulx	freq
rdax	c,1
wrax	c,0
rdax	c,1
mulx	freq
rdax	s,1
wrax	s,-1
mulx	freq
rdax	c,1
wrax	c,1.99
sof	0.041,0	; calibrated to generate 1 volt p/p input on my design
mulx begin	; here the pulse is controlled, comment out for continuous tone
wrax	dacl,1
wrax	dacr,0		;write both outputs
Posts: 7
Joined: Wed Jan 09, 2013 1:47 pm

Post by sbcssbcs »

Neat! Thanks for sharing!
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