Tap Tempo Tremolo question

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Tap Tempo Tremolo question

Post by ice-nine »

Thanks to Slacker's great tap tempo snippet I have attempted to use it in a tap tremolo, although I do have a tremolo working with the tap I have a couple of issues that I'm not sure how to sort.

Problem 1. I have the tempo click getting added into the audio out, I think this is happening in the ;now produce output. part of the code.

Problem 2. The tapped tempo is inverse to the output, ie slow tempo=fast tremolo.

Any pointers please on where to look to fix these 2 problems ?

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;tap tempo tremolo
;slacker's tap tempo code + Demo rom tremolo code
;mono input (ADCL) mono output (DACL) 
;a 0 - 0.99 square wave at the tap tempo rate is send to DACR. This can be used to flash a LED using a suitable driver. 
;Pot 0 is used as a tap tempo switch input. This should be a momentary switch, transition can be high to low or low to high. 
;see guitar amp application note for examples of switch hookup.  
;pot 2 = feedback 
;pot 1 = delay level 

;set up registers and equates 

equ  	db 		reg0      	;debounce 
equ  	mom 		reg1      	;momentary output of switch +1 high, -1 Low 
equ  	latch 		reg2      	;latched output of switch +1 high, -1 low 
equ 	ramp		reg3      	;current value of rmpo, scaled to 0 to 1 
equ 	taptempo 	reg4   	;taptempo value, 0 to 1 
equ 	led 		reg5      	;taptempo LED
equ	mono		reg6
equ	trem		reg7

equ count 0.01      	;debounce counter 
equ delaytime 330      	;initial delay time in milli seconds 

mem delay 32767 

skp run,START 
wldr rmp0,0.064,4096   	;set up rmp0 
wldr rmp1,0.064,4096   	;set up rmp1 
sof 0,0.99       
wrax latch,1      		;set latch = 1 high 
wrax led,0      		;set led = 1 high 
sof 0,delaytime/1000   	;set initial delay time 
wrax ramp,0 


;Switch Debouncing and pot filtering work around 

ldax   pot0   		;read pot0 
sof 1,-0.5   		;level shift to -0.5 to 0.5 
skp neg,DOWN   		;if negative jump to DOWN 
ldax db      		;else high, read db 
sof 1,count   		;add count 
wrax db,0   		;write new value to db 
skp zro,ENDDB   		;jump to ENDDB 
ldax db      		;read db 
sof 1,-count   		;deduct count 
wrax db,0   		;write new value to db 


;latching switch, falling edge triggered flipflop 
;Output of debounce routine of < -0.9 is low, > 0.9 is high, values in between 
;are ignored and the switch does nothing, Schmitt trigger action. 

ldax db         		;read db 
absa         		;get absolute value 
sof 1,-0.9      		;deduct 0.9 so only values < -0.9 or > 0.9 give a positive result 
skp neg,ENDSWITCH   	;if negative then jump to ENDSWITCH 
ldax db         		;read db 
sof 1,-0.9      		;deduct 0.9 
skp neg,LO      		;if negative jump to LO, output of debounce is low 
sof 0,0.999      		;else output of debounce is high 
wrax mom,0     	 	;set mom to 1 (high) 
skp zro,ENDSWITCH   	;jump to ENDSWITCH 
ldax mom      		;read mom 
skp neg,ENDSWITCH   	;if it's negative then debounce was already low last time so do nothing, jump to ENDSWITCH 
sof 0,-0.999      		;else mom was high last time so switch has only just been pressed (falling edge) 
wrax mom,0      		;set mom to -1 (low) 
ldax latch      		;read latch 
sof -1,0         		;invert, high becomes low, low becomes high 
wrax latch,0      		;write to value to latch 


;tap tempo, uses rmp0 as a 1 Hz rising ramp, runs whilst latch is low and is sampled and held when latch is high 

ldax latch      		;read latch 
skp neg,LOW      		;if negative jump to LOW 
jam rmp0      		;else latch is high, jam rmp0 (reset to 0) 
ldax ramp      		;read ramp, will contain last value of rmp0 before latch went high    
wrax taptempo,0      	;write to taptempo 
skp zro,ENDTT      	;jump to ENDTT 
sof 0,0.064       
wrax rmp0_rate,0      	;set rmp0 rate to 1Hz 
cho rdal,rmp0      		;read value of rmp0 
sof -2,0.999 
sof 1,0.001      		;level shift to 0 to 1 rising ramp 
wrax ramp,1      		;write to ramp 
sof 1,-0.999      		;deduct 0.999 from ramp       
skp neg,ENDTT      	;if answer is positive then second tap hasn't happened with 0.999 ms of first          
ldax taptempo      	;so keep last value of taptempo 
wrax ramp,0       
sof 0,0.999      		;and reset latch high 
wrax latch,0 

;Taptempo rate indicator, creates a square wave at the tap tempo rate
sof 0,0.064       
wrax rmp1_rate,0      	;set rmp1 rate to 1Hz 
cho rdal,rmp1      		;read value of rmp1 
sof -2,0.999      		;level shift to 0 - 1 rising ramp 
sof 1,0.001 
rdax taptempo,-0.5   	;deduct half of the taptempo value 
skp neg,ENDLED      	;if negative skip to ENDLED 
jam rmp1      		;else reset ramp1 
ldax led         		;and invert value of led register, creates square wave at taptempo rate 
sof -1,0 
wrax led,0 


;clear registers and initialize LFOs:

skp	run,endclr
wlds	sin0,12,100
wlds	sin1,0,16383        ;initialize LFO1 SIN F=0, A=16383

;sum inputs to mono:

rdax	adcl,0.5               ;read from ADC left and divide by 2
rdax	adcr,0.5	             ;read from ADC right and divide by 2
wrax      mono,0.5		;write result to MONO and divide by 2

;Do tremelo, start with controlling LFO Sin1 with pot1:

ldax	taptempo	;get control pot
mulx	taptempo	;square function
sof	0.4,0.1		;scale rate to reasonable range
wrax	sin1_rate,0	;write to sin1 rate register

cho	rdal,sin1		;get sinewave, +/-0.5
sof	1,0.5		;add 1/2 to get sinwave that swings 0 to 1
wrax	trem,0		;write tremelo modulation signal

;now produce output:

rdax	mono,0.5	;attenuate signals so as not to clip
mulx	trem                   ;ACC=mono*trem
sof	1.999,0		;boost tremelo to maintain average amplitude
rdax	mono,-0.5           ;ACC=ACC+mono*-0,5
mulx	pot1		;crossover between input and tremelo with pot1
rdax	mono,0.5             ;ACC=ACC+mono*0,5
sof	1.999,0		;recover gain
sof	1,0.2                  ;ACC=ACC+0,2
wrax	dacl,0                 ;ACC->DACL

ldax led         		;read led register 
wrax dacr,0      		;write to DACR, flashes LED attached to DACR 

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Location: Williamsburg, VA

Post by aziltz »

the last 2 lines are reading a signal and writing it to the right output for the purpose of driving an LED in sync. If you remove the ldax Led line, the right output will go unused and no more clicking.
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Joined: Tue Feb 01, 2011 1:13 pm

Post by slacker »

The taptempo value is proportional to the time between taps, bigger value gives longer delay. The sine LFO needs the opposite response, smaller values equals slower speed. You can flip the response by adding

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sof -1,0.999
after the ldax taptempo line in the tremolo section.
aziltz is right about the clicking, get rid of last two lines and the "tempo indicator" section.
Posts: 192
Joined: Thu May 24, 2012 9:03 am

Post by ice-nine »

slacker wrote:The taptempo value is proportional to the time between taps, bigger value gives longer delay. The sine LFO needs the opposite response, smaller values equals slower speed. You can flip the response by adding

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sof -1,0.999
after the ldax taptempo line in the tremolo section.
aziltz is right about the clicking, get rid of last two lines and the "tempo indicator" section.
Thanks for the quick replies, I should have remembered the

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sof -1,0.999
to invert as I have used it to invert pot control before. It of course worked fine.
I'm not sure about the other fix, I tried it but removing that bit of code obviously removes the LED blinking in time with the tap but I will have to build another pedal to test further as my nephew nicked the pedal from me when he seen it :(
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