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Quantizing pitch control to semitones?

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 12:34 pm
by seancostello
Hi all,

I'd like to use a pot for a pitch shifter, and quantize the pitch to semitones. Is there any way of doing this that will be more efficient than a bunch of skip statements? It seems like combining AND with EXP or LOG could do the trick, but I figure someone who understands the ramp parameters better might have a good solution.


Sean Costello

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 1:07 pm
by frank
No one's asked about doing that before so I haven't tried to do it. All the ramp info should be in the PDF for the LFOs, I didn't hold anything back from them. I would suggest calculating the numbers then working backwards to see if you can curve fit to them.

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 1:23 pm
by seancostello
As a DSP of friend of mine once told a more senior DSP fellow that was trying to explain a difficult concept, "I don't want you to teach me how to fish. I just want a fish."


I'll do some Excel work tonight, and see if I can get the math to work. I may hit you up with some EXP/LOG questions, as these get confusing to me.

Sean Costello

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 2:41 pm
by frank
Oh, well if you wanted fish this guy can probably help :)

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 12:34 pm
by tiriviri_2002
First of all I thank you for your work.
My English is not very good, I hope so apologies in advance.
I want your help with something.

I'm working on a patch ROM PITCH TRANSPOSER .
I'm trying to get exactly half notes. I want to scale the POT0 value through software.

I measured each half note the corresponding resistance values. (POT0)

I've found the following values:
(+5 semitone) - (full tone) - (-4 semitone).

By considering these values, I made arrangements on the software. But somehow I could not run the way my request.

I want to do the following:
POT0 -> middle position -> full note (no transposition)
POT0 -> in the right half position - Step by step -4 semitone
POT0 -> in the left half position - Step by step +5 semitone

I would ask you to help examine the following code.

Code: Select all

; Revised 

mem   ldel   4096   ;left delay
mem   dtemp   1   ;temporary DRAM data location

equ   potfil   reg0   ;pot0 filter for smoothing

;******02.07.2015 Kenan *******             Samples
equ   LBL_VAL0   0.5   ; Pitch +5 semitone   E   G
equ   LBL_VAL1   0.4   ; Pitch +4 semitone   F   G#
equ   LBL_VAL2   0.3   ; Pitch +3 semitone   F#   A
equ   LBL_VAL3   0.2   ; Pitch +2 semitone   G   Bb
equ   LBL_VAL4   0.1    ; Pitch +1 semitone   G#   B
equ   LBL_VAL5   0       ; Pitch 0      A   C
equ   LBL_VAL6   -0.1   ; Pitch -1 semitone   Bb   C#
equ   LBL_VAL7   -0.2   ; Pitch -2 semitone   B   D
equ   LBL_VAL8   -0.35   ; Pitch -3 semitone   C   Eb
equ   LBL_VAL9   -0.5   ; Pitch -4 semitone   C#   E

; Initialization, only run on first executuion of code
; Skip the following two instructions if NOT the first time

skp   RUN, LOOP
wldr    0,0,4096   ; Load up a ramp LFO to shift up 0 octaves, A=0x0 (4096 range)

ldax    ADCL      ;read left input 
wra    ldel, 0.0   ;write to delay start

; We use the base of the sample memory block as the
; address since we are using a positive only ramp 
; that ranges 0 to 1.0 (4095 in this case)

; do left chan:
cho    rda,   rmp0,reg|compc,ldel   ; (1-k)*sample[addr]
cho    rda,   rmp0,0,ldel+1      ; k*sample[addr+1] + ACC
wra    dtemp,   0         ; Save it off to memory and clear ACC
cho    rda,   rmp0,rptr2|compc, ldel   ; (1-k)*sample[addr+ half ramp]
cho    rda,   rmp0,rptr2,ldel+1   ; k*sample[addr+ half ramp + 1] + ACC
cho    sof,    rmp0,na|compc,0      ; Result in ACC, multiply it by (1-XFADE) coefficient
cho    rda,   rmp0,na,dtemp      ; Add in earlier value saved in memory, multiply saved value by XFADE coefficient
wrax    dacl,   0          ; Write it to DACL and clear ACC

;******02.07.2015 *******
ldax pot0 
and %01111000_00000000_00000000 
skp zro,LBL0    ; Pitch +5 semitone
sof 1,-0.1     

skp zro,LBL1    ; Pitch +4 semitone
sof 1,-0.1     

skp zro,LBL2    ; Pitch +3 semitone
sof 1,-0.1     

skp zro,LBL3    ; Pitch +2 semitone
sof 1,-0.1     

skp zro,LBL4      ; Pitch +1 semitone
sof 1,-0.1     

skp zro,LBL5    ; Pitch 0
sof 1,-0.1     

skp zro,LBL6    ; Pitch -1 semitone
sof 1,-0.1     

skp zro,LBL7    ; Pitch -2 semitone
sof 1,-0.1     

skp zro,LBL8    ; Pitch -3 semitone
sof 1,-0.1  

skp zro,LBL9    ; Pitch -4 semitone

sof 0,LBL_VAL0
wrax potfil,0 
skp zro,LBL_OUT

sof 0,LBL_VAL1
wrax potfil,0 
skp zro,LBL_OUT

sof 0,LBL_VAL2
wrax potfil,0 
skp zro,LBL_OUT

sof 0,LBL_VAL3
wrax potfil,0 
skp zro,LBL_OUT

sof 0,LBL_VAL4
wrax potfil,0 
skp zro,LBL_OUT

sof 0,LBL_VAL5
wrax potfil,0 
skp zro,LBL_OUT

sof 0,LBL_VAL6
wrax potfil,0 
skp zro,LBL_OUT

sof 0,LBL_VAL7
wrax potfil,0 
skp zro,LBL_OUT

sof 0,LBL_VAL8
wrax potfil,0 
skp zro,LBL_OUT

sof 0,LBL_VAL9
wrax potfil,0 
skp zro,LBL_OUT

; **************

ldax POT0       ; Read POT0 into ACC 
mulx potfil       ; Move from no pitch shift (0) to value set by "pitch" value 
wrax RMP0_RATE,0    ; Load ACC into ramp rate register and clear ACC


Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 7:23 pm
by frank
I have not run the code but what jumps out to me is:

ldax pot0
and %01111000_00000000_00000000
skp zro,LBL0 ; Pitch +5 semitone
sof 1,-0.1

skp zro,LBL1 ; Pitch +4 semitone
sof 1,-0.1

The "and" breaks the pot into 16 ranges but the "sof" statements subtract 1/10 then you check for a zero, that won't work. To use a pot skp routine like this you need 8 or 16 states and subtract 1/8 or 1/16 in each sof.

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 12:38 pm
by tiriviri_2002
Hi Frank,
Thank you for your reply.
I solved the problem. Thank you for your help and suggestions.

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 2:02 pm
by frank
Why did you change the "skp zro,LBLX" statements to "skp neg,LBLX"?