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My Tremolo alforithm doesn't work...why??

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 2:51 pm
by noctombule

I'm a beginner with programming DSP. I try simply to make a tremelo effect. So I began to use an external LFO and plug it in the VC-P1 input an multiply this signal by the left input signal. The code is:

Code: Select all

equ POT0fil reg0

ldax POT0		;read pot0
rdfx POT0fil,0.01		;filter the values
wrax POT0fil,0		;write values filtered to register pot0fil and clear acc

rdax adcl,0.25		; read left input values
mulx POT0fil		; multiply left input with POT0fil values

wrax dacl,0

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 4:09 pm
by frank
I would start with the most basic things and remove the filter on POT0, not needed since you are using an LFO so I would try:

Code: Select all

ldax adcl
mulx POT0
wrax dacl,0